1. Repotted my fig tree and placed it in front of a south-facing wall. In a few years, we may even have figs!
2. Planted 6 strawberry plants: 3 Honeoye (early), 1 Elsanta (mid-season) and 2 Symphony (late). I believe that their fruiting seasons will overlap quite a lot, and they didn't influence my choice at the garden centre (B&Q actually). I got those as they looked the best in their little pots. Strawberries produce a little fruit in the first summer, then give their best in years 2 and 3; after that they should be replaced for best results.
3. Sowed seeds indoors: 3 tomatoes Gardener's Delight, 3 courgettes De Nice a Fruit Rond, 1 patty pan squash and 1 butternut squash. Some would say that it's too late to sow tomatoes, and I was considering buying young plants; however, I decided against it. I already had the seed packet, and they may still catch up with the earlier sowings due to starting in (relatively) warm and sunny weather.
4. Sowed some Night Scented Stocks, a hardy annual, straight into the border but also in a pot (seen next to the strawberries). I've never grown them before, but they are supposed to be highly scented in the evenings, so a pot on the patio will help us appreciate them better.
5. Added some compost to the Jerusalem artichoke pods. The plant seem to be flourishing, and as they should reach 2m in height when fully grown, they need a stable anchor. I'm not sure if they are also stem rooting.
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