On the left you see a pot of Lily of the Valley, sold to me for £1 by a kind old man in the neigbourhood, who has 5 greenhouses, he tells me, and sells trays of seedlings in his front garden. I will plant them in the ground one of these days, but at the moment it's easier to enjoy their beautiful scent closer to nose-level!
Next is the box with kohlrabi and radishes, then the herbs, and finally the salad leaves. At the moment there's nothing much to harvest, except parsley and sweet marjoram. Actually, the other day I added some marjoram leaves to a plain tomato salad, and they lifted the taste into something altogether more cordon bleu.
The variegated iris is getting ready to flower:

And the Mexican orange blossom, purple ajuga and heuchera are already blooming:

Finally, we saw a few young ladybirds scattered around the garden, so here's one that went well with my hair ;)
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