We got a lot of herbs and some perennials I was looking for. Verbena bonariensis, only a couple of inches tall at present but should rise to 1.5 m. Jasmine and honeysuckle, for the west-facing fence. Angelica and bronze fennel for the border, with some golden and variegated lemon balm for edging. A selection of mints (spearmint, Swiss, eau de Cologne and pineapple mints), a couple of pink and salmon pelargoniums in lovely blue metallic pots, red-veined sorrel and Honey Melon sage went into pots and troughs. Oh, and we also took the opportunity to plant the lily of the valley under the elder bush, and some African daisies (osteospermums) that we picked up a couple of weeks ago.
In addition to all the hard work of digging planting holes, my wonderful SO trimmed the grass (using a new, bladed strimmer), dug out some more of the insidious bramble, and pruned the weird shrub/trees that were hiding the patio and blocking the light. I think these will have to go completely, but that's usually an autumn job.
The following picture is what we currently look out on from the living room patio doors. On the bricks behind the table we've lifted the strawberry tub so it would be out of the way of slugs; next to it is a huge terracotta pot of lavender and pots of spearmint and night scented stock (still seedlings). In the next month or so the table should go to the trellised area on the side, thus creating space for patio seating, surrounded by scented flowers and herbs for our olfactory pleasure (and nectar for bees and butterflies). Something to look forward to!