Welcome to my blog!

Here, I journal the transformation of our tiny London backyard into a dream garden. I hope you will like it!

A dream garden, for me, is an outdoor space filled with rich colours and seductive scents, offering beautiful flowers, interesting textures and tasty morsels for our delectation. Also a source of nourishment for the local wildlife - birds, butterflies and bees. A space to enjoy with my SO, friends, family, and, of course, our cats. Somewhere to sit and have coffee, or even a meal, and a tiny patch of grass to lie on in the fleeting sunshine of the English summer. And, we're almost there...

Unless stated otherwise, all photos are by me (or my SO) and are clickable.

Friday 4 March 2011

Indoor Garden

OK, it's not one of those huge planter boxes you see in large hotel lobbies.  Nor is it a hanging garden of Babylon that stands in for a real, outdoor green space.  But, two of the three tropical looking plants are in flower (though the largest and most colourful structures are actually spathes) and, IMO, lookin' good! ;)
In addition to this arrangement, which is next to my desk in the living room, we also have some plant pots on the kitchen sink, a purple zebrina in the entrance window, and a temporary scented pelargonium in the front room.  That poor plant is not doing that great indoors, but we don't have a greenhouse and it would have died outside.  Can't wait for the last frost so it can go back out!